Bonaventure Cemetery – Savannah, Georgia
Hello Monday! Here we are at the beginning of another week. It is pretty amazing that the weeks go by so quickly. Do you think they will stop doing that if I ask nicely?
Since it’s Monday, it is time for some pictures and a bit of quiet to start your week. Mountain Mondays will be back soon, but for now, we have some pictures to share from our On the Road adventures.
The photo at the top was of the Super Moon Saturday night. Since this last occurred eighteen years ago, Mr. Bunkycooks got up in the middle of the night to take this shot at 4 am. I would have liked to tell you it was taken at the cemetery in Savannah because that would have been totally cool, but it was not. It was outside our house and I was still in bed.
The rest of the photos are from the Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, Georgia. You might remember that we were just in Savannah with Go Savor, so we decided to have a hot date and stop by on the way out of town to take some pictures. We sure know how to do date night right!
This cemetery is built on what was once Bonaventure Plantation and dates back to 1846. It is spectacular to visit with all of the oak trees and unusual monuments (especially if you are into cemeteries). It sits on the bluff above the Wilmington River, just east of Savannah.
You might have heard of this cemetery since it was featured in the movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”, which is based on events that occurred in Savannah in the 1980’s. According to Wikipedia, “the title alludes to the hoodoo notion of “midnight”, the period between the time for good magic and the time for evil magic, and “the garden of good and evil,” which refers principally to Bonaventure Cemetery”.
My skin is crawling! That’s some kind of spooky stuff to start your day!
Our visit to Bonaventure Cemetery reminded us of the people that have passed through this world. Most importantly, never forget the men and women that gave their lives for the rest of us.
Enjoy your week!
Okay, I know it’s strange but I do love beautiful old cemeteries. And Bonaventure is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever visited. I guess I agree with the Victorians’ notion that cemeteries should be more like a garden or park. Their “garden cemeteries” had shade trees, flowers and beautiful vistas and were the forerunner of American public park development. They were meant to be places as much for the living as for their departed loved ones.
Bonaventure is well worth a visit just for the sculpture and architecture. Although I have to admit, that Lawton sculpture creeps me out! She’s just a little TOO life-like.
Hi Lana,
There is something eerily beautiful about cemeteries. This one in particular. I agree about some of the sculptures. They are incredibly life-like and and it is rather spooky.
Wow, what gorgeous monuments. I’ve never been to Savannah, but I know I’d love it.
Hi Sommer,
I am sure you would love Savannah, so I hope you get there someday.
The Spanish moss adds so much to the mood in the cemetary! Great photos, Gwen!
I loved the book, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”, and have wanted to visit Savannah ever since reading it years ago. Maybe I should see the movie!
Hi Kath,
The Spanish Moss is pretty spectacular in Savannah and it definitely adds to the “mood” in Bonaventure Cemetery. I need to go back and see the movie again after visiting Savannah. I think you should see it too!
Wow, gorgeous shot of the Moon. And, even in broad daylight, those cemetery images with the weepy trees are, in the words of Jimi Hendrix, “strange beautiful” …
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you so much for the comment. I love the reference to Jimi Hendrix. Those words are perfect for this cemetery.
it has been years since we have been there, thanks for taking us back… and the moon was just spectacular this weekend, but I do not think I would have been caught in a that cemetery after dark regardless of how bright…
Hi Drick,
No full moon for us in that cemetery either! Luckily, the photo was shot right outside the comfort of our own home.
Very cool cemetery shots! I love learning about the old, creepy stuff. There is definitely a beauty amid the markers of death and although eery and scary, an equal amount of eloquence and grace found there as well. It is quite fascinating how the tombstones, monuments, and statues offer a glimpse into the architectural styles of the time.
The moon was awesome that night. It looked as though it was glowing and so three dimensional, beautiful!
Hi Kathy,
Cemeteries are definitely an architectural statement of the time period. I know that these monuments and head stones would be incredibly expensive to create today, but I am not sure that we would do it if we could. This definitely gives us a glimpse back into time. It was incredibly fascinating.
count me in as one who loves cemeteries . . . in daylight. we like to take our walks in cemeteries because it’s quiet and peaceful, no cars (if we do see cars, they drive S-L-O-W); this is beautiful!
I thought this looked like the cemetery from the “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” from the opening shot! Savannah and Charleston are both on my list – too many places not enough time! I also love visiting cemeteries for their history and evocative images – in the daylight!
Hello Debra & Priscilla,
Yes, visiting cemeteries in the daylight is the preferred option. I do not think that I would have the nerve to do it at night. I do believe there are people and things out there that I don’t want to see after dark!